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Love and Gratitude

Happy 2017! I welcome this New Year with positivity, joy, love, gratitude and openness to explore new opportunities – possibilities are endless! Even when the world may seem like it is in chaos and dark times, YOU always have a choice to decide how YOU want to feel, which in turn allows how YOU choose to BE in this world.

Open up to Love and Gratitude! <3

The hustle and bustle of Christmas and the holiday season have come and gone. The month of January for me can be pretty much summed up here:

Letting Go

This has been an ongoing theme in my life lately over the last year and continuing into this year. Letting go can mean many things. For me, I noticed that I have been letting go of physical things (ie. clothes when packing to live in Japan for at least 1 year), as well as emotionally (attachments to feelings that bring about suffering, recognizing Fear vs. Love), and old habits and ways of doing and being that no longer serve my greater purpose in life to serve others through teaching – whether it is English or yoga –my heart ALWAYS leads the way.


With the decision to pack my bags and leave the only home I have ever known in Canada to teach English and yoga and live in Japan for (at least) one year, my family and friends have shown so much love and support – whether it was through a text, words in a card, or in person – my heart beams copious amounts of love right back. I now know what it truly feels like to be loved unconditionally, and this leads right into my next word...


Every single moment of every single day, I feel truly thankful and blessed to breathe, for my family and friends back home in Canada and all over the world, for Ryan on our new adventure together in Japan, and the new opportunities and adventures that have yet to be experienced. I will end with what has become one of my daily mantras: “Every day is a new day to begin.”

How are YOU welcoming in 2017?? Taking a moment to pause and reflect can change your whole world and even this new year for you. Please feel free to write below and share your thoughts. :)

Have a lovely day xo

Big Hugs and Much Love,

Sabrina F. Pantaleon

"Discover Strength in Wellness!" .^_^.

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