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Diving Deep in the Summer Heat

I just completed the 200-Hr Ahimsa Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Intensive with my super awesome teacher J-P Tamblyn-Sabo. WOO-HOO!! Still have some homework to do...but all this homework is fun! In a nutshell, with 15-hour days, 3+ hours of practicing yoga every single day, digging deep into discovering more about myself , and becoming the best yoga teacher I can be, along with an amazing group of yoga teachers, it was totally an incredible experience of a lifetime. In more ways that I can count, these last two weeks of July 2016 are changing my life already "off the mat" and on the mat in my yoga practice.

The TOP 3 things that I have learned and continue to practice would be:

1) TRUST - This is a HUGE one for me and one of my #coredesired feelings2016 that I have opened up to and #IChoose to allow into my life. It's definitely not easy for me, even as I'm writing this, slowly it feels a little easier. Trusting in myself. Trusting that things will work out - even if I don't know how. #truthbomb I #digdeep and when I want to run away, leave, find an easier path, I #digdeeper and #rootdowntoriseup. I ground myself, close my eyes, and #RememberMyWHY - tune into how I wanna feel and #takealeapoffaith

2) COMMITMENT - This one is slowly revealing itself to me every single day. Commitment to my yoga practice, to teaching, to learning, to Ryan... but most especially to myself. #bigtruth To value myself enough and know that I am worthy - to agree to do the things that will allow me to feel the way I wanna feel consistently on a daily basis. Things will come up - it's easy to say I'm busy, I have other commitments, I'm lazy - and of course there will be times when more important things take priority. BUT that's exactly what it comes down to - your values and what takes priority.

3) FEAR VS. EXCITEMENT - Everyday I am consistently practicing this especially with my plans to live in Japan for a year (!) #withthebf There are things to consider, to plan and research, and so on... everytime I find myself overthinking - getting entangled in "analysis paralysis" - I begin to tune into how I wanna feel, #RememberMyWHY , and smile , and allow this feeling to wash over me and drive my next task in #movingtowards my goal. It may just be a baby step in the right direction, but nevertheless #takingaction and always moving forwards.

To sum up the TOP 3 noted above, I practiced diving in the pool outside, and it definitely wasn't pretty lol! From belly flops and faceflops, to oopsie daisie with my bathing suit top, to screaming several times, to laughing till my belly hurt, and group jumps and dives, cannonballs in the pool. #magicmoments

I hope that by reading this you get a chance to TRUST yourself , committing to your passions, while still feeling the fear but rather getting more excited about the possibilities, opportunities, and magic moments that are just around the corner. #taketheplunge #leapoffaith #divedeep #flybabyfly

Have a beautiful summer day xo

Peace and Much Love,

Sabrina F. Pantaleon

"Discover Strength in Wellness!" .^_^.

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